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Our clients frequently need advice on tax matters. It is crucial that when there are events in clients’ lives, whether it is a corporate transaction, a change in family circumstances, a move from one country to another or some other situation, whether planned or unexpected, they have the right people with the right expertise to support them.


We believe that the best way to provide our clients, both private clients and companies, with effective support is to act for them in relation to their tax reporting. This gives us an insight into what they are doing from year to year and a detailed understanding of their business and financial affairs. Most of our clients at some point need to call upon our expertise and our familiarity with their affairs to provide effective and timely tax advice. The knowledge gleaned from a relationship with our clients built over many years enables us to advise with authority when the need arises.


Often, clients come to us in the first place because they are involved in a situation or a set of circumstances where specialist guidance is needed. Having concluded this initial project, clients then often remain with us for many years, taking advantage of both the tax reporting and advisory services which we can offer.


Our approach to the giving of both personal and corporate tax advice is measured. We recognise that the tax legislation was enacted for a specific purpose, and in giving advice we consider carefully the reasoning behind the tax law which we seek to rely on. We avoid overly aggressive planning which, in our experience, is invariably challenged by the relevant tax authority and defeated in the Courts. We do not promote or advocate artificial tax schemes or marketed general planning solutions. Instead we seek to help plan our clients’ affairs for the long term, and minimise tax burdens as part of overall estate planning advice, to meet both current and future needs.


Our international network of offices probably has a greater concentration of international private client expertise than any other firm. We provide expert taxation advice and support and work closely with tax specialists across many countries to ensure that cross-jurisdictional tax planning is carefully coordinated. We can help to plan your financial affairs efficiently, and to minimise liabilities to tax whilst ensuring full compliance with ever more complex tax obligations.

Please contact the relevant office below to find out more about this service in this jurisdiction

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