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Estate planning demands a detailed appreciation of the circumstances of each client and the flexibility to respond to their wishes. The close relationship which we build up with our clients means that we can deal effectively with any sensitive family issues that arise. With our expertise in tax planning, we offer a compelling choice for clients seeking advice on having their wills drafted in a tax efficient manner. Our Partners are also experienced in acting as executors, alone or with family members or lawyers. We have all the necessary experience to deal with the administration of the estate, from the initial application for probate (the UK Firm is authorised by the ICAEW to conduct non-contentious probate work) to the final distribution.


​​Regular reviews of the estate and detailed illustrative calculations of potential liabilities keep our clients aware of opportunities available to them, while our international focus allows us to advise clients with assets in multiple jurisdictions. Frequent discussions with the client and the client’s family ensure that we are aware of their wishes as they develop and can act in their best interests.


For UK connected clients, the Inheritance Tax regime provides excellent opportunities to plan estates and protect family wealth through the use of lifetime gifts, trusts, family limited partnerships and careful consideration of wills.


For international clients, there are many complex aspects which need consideration, including the scope of forced heirship and succession provisions which some countries adopt. For clients who are UK resident but foreign domiciled, there are opportunities to hold foreign assets through family trusts in a tax-efficient manner which puts them beyond the scope of Inheritance Tax. Our International Firms are experienced both in advising on such issues and administering wealth holding structures which are effective estate planning vehicles.

Please contact the relevant office below to find out more about this service in this jurisdiction

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